Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hitoyoshi, Japan

October 17 - Hitoyoshi, Japan

Hitoyoshi is a small city of no more than 36,000 inhabitants. Yet, located in a valley, in the southern island of Kyūshū (Kumamoto Prefecture), it will captivate those who are fascinated by rural Japan. The city is famous for both its river rafting in the Kuma-gawa river and its wonderful hot springs (said to be sometimes visited by Japanese monkeys). The small island in the middle of the river offers a perfect place for picnics, camping and family activities, as well as a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.

The Aoiaso (Shinto) shrine in Hitoyoshi is one of the most precious treasures of Japan. Its annual festival takes place in October and smaller shrines are carried by groups of people (foreigners are welcome to join) in a parade from the Aoiaso shrine to the castle ruins, in celebration of the rice harvest. Carrying a shrine can prove to be particularly difficult for tall foreigners, but the repeating motivational shouting and the frequent stops a long the way to drink beer make it an agreeable experience. In the end, the smaller shrines are carried back to the Aoiaso shrine, where a ritual to carry the shrine back and forth in the right angle takes place for about 15 minutes.

For those who love a good drink, Hitoyoshi will offer a wide variety of the local Shochu – a liquor made out of sweet potato or rice, also used in the making of plum wine. Other places to visit in Hitoyoshi include the Ghost temple (Eikokuji), the Craft Park Ishino Koen, the caves, and a variety of small temples and shrines spread around the city. Best time to visit: Autumn or Spring.

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